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New Release: Touschscreen Chamber for rats

We introduce our latest product for the automated testing of group housed animals: The Touchscreen Chamber for rats. It is a completely new deveopment building on our vast exper ...

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JetBall in June: Exclusive live event

Done, thanks for joining us! Travelling is currently out of the question - therefore we launch our next online event during the first week of June! Be invited for an online visit t ...

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ARVO exhibition: qOMR live booth event

Finished! Thanks for joining us! Since we had to cancel our May travel plans for the ARVO in Baltimore we decided to host our own private event during that week (May 4-8)! Be i ...

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New product launch: IDsorter for rats

We introduce our latest product for the automated testing of group housed animals: The IDsorter for rats. It has all the useful features of our classic model for mice plus the a ...

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Recent Touchscreen Chamber publication

Saito et al. from The University of Tokyo present a comprehensive analysis of a novel mouse model in Translational Psychiatry. The study includes a series of behavioral tests, such ...

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Fresh preprint showing ColonyRack results

The team of Gerd Kempermann in Dresden presents first results using the ColonyRack. A novel type of enriched environment allows to longitudinally monitor 40 inbred mice exploring 3 ...

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New publication in eLife using the JetBall

Researchers around first author Thomas Watseon in Paris investigated cerebello-hippocampal interaction with the help of a JetBall virtual reality system. For the display of the ...

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New headquarters                                                   

PhenoSys moved to a new location! Located in a historic building in Berlin's north it provides more space for offices, labs, demo facilities, and production. It will give us the mu ...

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Check out our latest qOMR video                        

PhenoSys prepared an instructional video which shows the basic handling of the qOMR system. The step-by-step procedure illustrates how measurements of the optomotor response are pe ...

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Latest paper in Neuron using the JetBall Dome  

Researchers around first author Abilasha Joshi in Oxford investigated Teevra cells with the help of the JetBall virtual reality system. For the display of the virtual reality, t ...

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New JetBall Users Group on LinkedIn – Join the discussion!

This discussion group is dedicated to the exchange of ideas and sharing of experiences with the PhenoSys JetBall or related technogies. It is open to users as well as researchers t ...

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New publications on optomotor response measurement

Two new research articles were recently published with contributions of our collaboration partner Dr. Friedrich Kretschmer.   Highlights: Automated optomotor respon ...

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New publication on automated cognitive testing

A new research article was published by the team of Marion Rivalan on automated cognitive testing of rats. Highlights: Experimenter-free testing cognitive abilities in rats ...

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We relaunched our website!

Welcome to our new website. We made it faster, more informative, and responsive for smartphones and tablets. We have given our website a new, fresh face that follows our visual ide ...

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A new publication in Neuron with the JetBall-TFT

We congratulate our JetBall-TFT demo lab partners, Dr. Lasztóczi and Prof. Dr. Klausberger for their publication in Neuron: Hippocampal Place Cells Couple to Three Different Gamma ...

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Scitech – our new distributor in Australia and Oceania

We are excited to announce our new distributor in Australia and Oceania! PhenoSys and Scitech Pty. Ltd. will work together to provide products and services. We are looking forward ...

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The PhenoSys qOMR is released

We released the PhenoSys quantitative Optomotor Response System (qOMR). OMR is a reflex used to assess vision in mice. To evoke OMR, a mouse watches a pattern of stripes rotating w ...

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PhenoSys celebrates 10 years in business!

We are proud to serve the community in Neuroscience for 10 years today. PhenoSys had wonderful years of organic growth and sustained profitability while delivering global technolog ...

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