Phenotyping with full automation.
Setups based on the PhenoSolution concept start with the home cage and with animals living in social groups. A gating system allows single animals to voluntarily enter neighbouring behaviour chambers. There, individuals are tested with the standard procedures developed for operant chambers or diagnostic devices. After a session, individuals return to their group. The group participates in experimentation 24/7. PhenoSolution systems range from simple dual-cage solutions (home cage connected to behaviour cage) to customer-designed multi-dimensional environments (multiple group cages, multiple behaviour cages or diagnostic devices, also on multiple levels). Setups are available for both mice and rats.
PhenoSolutions stand for:
- Automation for high throughput and higher data reliability
- Automation for reducing experimental labour
- Automation for animal welfare and the 3Rs
Features and your benefits:
- Based on RFID for individual access to cognitive testing chambers
- Combination with automated Isometric Pull Task for testing motor function
- Combination with PhenoSys high-resolution running wheels for diagnosing motor function.
- Combination with Activity Monitor for individuals reveal day/night activity
- PhenoSolution systems can be fully integrated into standard cage racks for space efficiency
- All units are controlled by a single software
- Simplified animal maintenance through the use of standard cages and components
- Animal participation is voluntary, stress-free and based on the motivation to explore the environment and seek reward
- Operator-independent systems for labor efficiency, diagnostic efficiency, diagnostic sensitivity and animal welfare
Read more about the modules and combine them for your needs.