About Phenosys

Made in Berlin

Empowering Neuroscience Research

PhenoSys was founded in 2006 and is an R&D company based in the centre of Berlin in Germany. We engineer and market innovative technology for animal behaviour research. Our team draws on extensive expertise of electrical and mechanical engineering, computer science, and behavioural biology.

Innovative Tools for Exploring Animal Brain and Behaviour

We offer unique instrumentation in the field of behaviour biology. This includes specialised applications of virtual reality systems and RFID-based automated solutions for animals in home cage environments. Our experimental systems are used for behavioural phenotyping, brain research, experimental psychology, and the diagnostic characterisation of animal models for translational medicine.






The CEO of the company, Prof. York Winter, also holds a position as chair in cognitive neurobiology at Humboldt University in Berlin. Furthermore, he leads the Berlin Mouse Clinic for Neurology and Psychiatry associated with the Centre of Excellence “NeuroCure” at the Charité Medical School in Berlin.