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qOMR – Exploring Diverse Applications in new 5 publications

It is remarkable and inspiring to watch the diverse range of applications facilitated by the PhenoSys qOMR. In the five latest publications at hand, the qOMR has been key in provid ...

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Impaired drainage through capillary-venous networks contributes to age-related white matter loss…

Check out the latest SpeedBelt linear treadmill paper "Impaired drainage through capillary-venous networks contributes to age-related white matter loss." by Stefan Stamenkovic, Fra ...

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Unveiling the Hidden Players in How Our Brain Navigates

Introduction Our brain is like a fascinating puzzle, and the hippocampus holds a special piece that helps us find our way and remember important moments. But there’s still a l ...

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Scitech – our new distributor in Australia and Oceania

We are excited to announce our new distributor in Australia and Oceania! PhenoSys and Scitech Pty. Ltd. will work together to provide products and services. We are looking forward ...

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PhenoSys celebrates 10 years in business!

We are proud to serve the community in Neuroscience for 10 years today. PhenoSys had wonderful years of organic growth and sustained profitability while delivering global technolog ...

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