Decision Making Add-On Module

Steering wheel for VR

The Steering Wheel is an add-on to PhenoSys VR setups which allows to probe mouse visual decisions. The rotation of this input device is coupled to the stimulus presented within the VR and allows two alternative choices – left or right turns. A reward system facilitates learning and the motivation of the animal.

See also: Biró, S., Lasztóczi, B., & Klausberger, T. (2019). A visual two-choice rule-switch task for head-fixed mice. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 13.


Biró, S., Lasztóczi, B., & Klausberger, T. (2019). A visual two-choice rule-switch task for head-fixed mice. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 13.

Viney, T.J., Sarkany, B., Ozdemir, A.T., Hartwich, K., Schweimer, J., Bannerman, D., Somogyi, P. (2022). Spread of pathological human Tau from neurons to oligodendrocytes and loss of high-firing pyramidal neurons in aging mice. Cell Reports.