The DoubleDisk TFT
Advancing research with Virtual Reality
Phenosys’ state of the art VR systems are designed for pioneering research into animal behaviour under dynamic & flexible conditions. Our systems allow the animal to navigate & perform behavioural tasks in the virtual world, while researchers analyse their brain activity using optogenetic, electrophysiological, or in-vivo imaging methods. We are pleased to introduce another addition to our VR family- The DoubleDisk TFT.
This two-disk treadmill combines the exploration flexibility of a spherical treadmill in the virtual world, and the running stability of a linear treadmill. It also enhances the precision of the experiment with full control over execution and real-time adjustments based on the animal’s response.
It was invented by Mackenzie Mathis and her team at Harvard University and EPFL (“Hausmann, S., Kane, G., & Mathis, M.W. A new mini-VR and dual-wheel platform for closed-loop motor learning and adaptation in mice. FENS 2022 Poster Session. Paris, FR.).
Settings & Possible Customizations
- Broad range of visual, auditory and olfactory stimuli available.
- Liquid reward & negative reinforcement settings to reinforce preferred behavior.
- Obstacle stimulus & air-puff settings for whisker simulation for an immersive experience in the virtual world.
- Brakes to stop movement of the disk, as a trigger to gain control of the animal’s behavior.
- Zero-point sensor for synchronization, used to determine the degree of disk rotation.
- Alternative VR display ‘DoubleDisk Dome’ (mirror projection) mode for enhanced experience.
- Extensive software customizations with settings like ‘run and replay’ available.
The PhenoSys promise
- Ready-to-Use Turnkey Solutions enabling you to focus on science from Day 1
- Modular and versatile systems allow for high degree of customization, tailored specially to your research needs.
- Extensive experience with ‘Early Adopters’ allows you to leverage rich insights.
- Dedicated specialists provide continuous, long term, on-site and online support allowing you to focus on your research with confidence and peace of mind.